Nemet, Borna

Borna Nemet hrvatski je državljanin rođen 10. siječnja 1995. godine u Virovitici. Diplomirao  je 2019. godine na Učiteljskom fakultetu  Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, te stekao naziv magistra primarnog obrazovanja s programom engleskog jezika. Kroz studij, aktivno se bavio studentskom politikom, pravima i kvalitetom te međunarodnim odnosima kao međunarodni tajnik Hrvatskog Studentskog zbora na području Europske Unije, zamjenik predsjednika Studentskog zbora Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, član Senata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, član Rektorskog kolegija u širem sastavu, Vijeća društveno-humanističkog područja te Odbora za međunarodnu suradnju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Kroz studij, bio je član Povjerenstva za upravljanje kvalitetom Učiteljskog fakulteta, asistent u uredu prodekanice za znanost, umjetnost i međunarodnu suradnju te asistent u uredu prodekanice za nastavu i studente. Od 23. rujna 2019. zaposlen je kao učitelj razredne nastave u Osnovnoj školi Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Zagrebu, nakon koje upisuje doktorski studij Cjeloživotno obrazovanje i obrazovne znanosti na Učiteljskom fakultetu gdje je trenutno zaposlen ako asistent na Katedri za pedagogiju i didaktiku, Odsjeku za obrazovne studije. Borna je volontirao u mnogim studentskim i akademskim manifestacijama, organizaciji simpozija Odjela za rano učenje jezika Hrvatskoga filološkoga društva, međunarodne znanstvene i umjetničke konferencije Suvremene teme u odgoju i obrazovanju – STOO u organizaciji Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 11. međunarodne balkanske konferencije obrazovanja i znanosti „Budućnost obrazovanja i obrazovanje za budućnost“, manifestacije obilježavanja 100 godina Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, manifestacije obilježavanja 50. obljetnice predškolskog odgoja Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te niza seminara, radionica, konferencija i aktivnosti za studente Učiteljskog fakulteta i Sveučilišta u Zagrebu poput Studentske konferencije znanosti i umjetnosti „Studikon“, konferencije „Ostani u Hrvatskoj“, konferencije „Motiviraj se“, konferencije za studente učitelje „Student Teacher Summit“. Član je Stručnog tima škole stvaralaštva za nadarenu djecu „Novigradsko proljeće“. Za navedene mu je aktivnosti u popularizaciji znanosti i iznimne doprinose studentskom standardu 2017., 2018. i 2019. godine uručena Posebna dekanova nagrada Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, te 2019. i 2022. godine tri Posebne rektorove nagrade Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Kroz znanstveni rad, Borna se usavršava kao Graduate Assistant na Sveučilištu u Las Vegasu, Nevada, USA gdje sudjeluje na projektu @nvforward koji kroz tri godine i  13 milijuna dolara financiranja za cilj ima razvoj i implementaciju ubrzanog programa licenciranja učitelja primarnog obrazovanja te post obrazovnu potporu i profesionalni karijerni razvoj. Njegov se znanstveni interes usmjerava na učinkovitost škole, profesionalni razvoj, školski menadžment i upravljanje.



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Borna Nemet is a Croatian citizen born on January 10, 1995 in Virovitica. In 2019, he graduated from the Faculty of Teacher Education at the University of Zagreb with Masters of Education and English language. During his studies, he was actively involved in student policy, rights and quality, and international relations as the International Secretary of the Croatian Student Council in the European Union, Vice President of the Student Union of the University of Zagreb, member of the Senate of the University of Zagreb, member of the Rector’s College in a wider composition, the Council of Social and Humanities and the Committee for International Cooperation of the University of Zagreb. During his studies, he was a member of the Quality Assurance Committee of the Faculty of Teacher Education, an Assistant in the Office of the vice-dean for science, art and international cooperation, and an Assistant in the Office of the vice-dean for teaching and students. Since September 23, 2019, he has been employed as elementary school teacher at the Josip Jurj Strossmayer Elementary School in Zagreb, after which he enrolled in a doctoral studz program in Lifelong Education and Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Teacher Education, where he is currently employed as Teaching Assistant at the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics, Department of Educational studies. Borna volunteered in many student and academic events, the organization of symposiums by the Early Language Learning Department of the Croatian Philological Society, the international scientific and artistic conference Contemporary Themes in Education – STOO and STOO2 organized by the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, the 11th International Balkan Conference on Education and Science “The future of education and education for the future”, events marking 100 years of the Faculty of Teaching in Croatia, University of Zagreb, events marking the 50th anniversary of preschool education at the Faculty of Teachers Education, University of Zagreb, and a series of seminars, workshops, conferences and activities for students at the University of Zagreb, such as the Student conference of science and art “Studikon”, conference “Stay in Croatia”, conference “Motivate”, conference for student teachers “Student Teacher Summit”. He is a member of the Experts’ pool of the creative school for gifted children “Novigradsko proljeće”. For the aforementioned activities in the popularization of science and exceptional contributions to the student standard, he was awarded the Special Dean’s Award of the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb in 2017, 2018 and 2019, and three Special Rector’s Awards of the University of Zagreb in 2019 and 2022. Through scientific work and specialization, Borna is working as a Graduate Assistant at the University of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, where he supports  the @nvforward project, which over three years and 13 million dollars of funding aims to develop and implement an accelerated licensure pathway program for Primary education teachers and post-educational support and professional career development. His scientific interest focuses on school effectiveness, professional development, school management and educational leadership.


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