Cergol, Kristina

Kristina Cergol

Cergol, Kristina

Zamjenica predstojnice katedre za obrazovanje učitelja engleskoga jezika / izv. prof. dr. sc.

Kristina Cergol izvanredna je profesorica zaposlena na Učiteljskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu od 2007. Sa 16 godina prima punu stipendiju za školovanje na Lester B. Pearson Ujedinjenom svjetskom koledžu u Kanadi gdje 1999. stječe međunarodnu diplomu (I.B.). 2004. godine diplomirala je na studijima engleskog i španjolskog jezika, znanstveni i nastavnički smjer, na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 2005. stječe magisterij na Istraživačkom centru za primijenjenu lngvistiku Sveučilišta u Cambridgeu, Engleska, kamo odlazi na punoj prestižnoj stipendiji (OSI/FCO Chevening). Doktorsku disertaciju brani 2011. na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Služi se engleskim, španjolskim, njemačkim, talijanskim i francuskim jezikom.

Objavila je jednu knjigu (u slobodnom pristupu niže na ovoj stranici), pedesetak uglavnom izvornih znanstvenih radova, prezentirala je na pedesetak konferencija te održala 12 gostujućih predavanja u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Suurednica je četiriju zbornika radova (dva u izdanju Peter Lang Verlag). Organizirala je na desetke međunarodnih i domaćih konferencija i znanstvenih događaja. Recenzira za hrvatske i strane izdavače (npr. Multilingual Matters, John Benjamins, Oxford University Press) te je članica uredništava dvaju časopisa.

Surađivala je na 6 međunarodnih (Université Paris 8 i Cambridge University, Universitat de Barcelona, te University of Zürich) i 7 hrvatskih znanstvenih projekata te je vodila dva domaća projekta. Članica je radne skupine UNIC Research Ethics and Integrity.

Predaje na nekoliko doktorskih studija u zemlji i inozemstvu, kolegije iz dvojezičnog procesiranja, istraživačke metodologije te primijenjenolingvističke istraživačke etike.
Predsjednica je Nadzornoga odbora Hrvatskoga društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku u trećem mandatu te je članica tročlanog Suda časti Hrvatskoga filološkog društva. Od 2018. – 2020. obnašala je dužnost prodekanice za znanost, umjetnost i međunardonu suradnju matičnog Fakulteta.

Dobitnica je Rektorove nagrade (Sveučilišta u Zagrebu), dviju Dekanovih nagrada i priznanja za izvrsnost u nastavi (Učiteljskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu), te nagrade Franjo Marković (Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu).

Kristina Cergol is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Zagreb where she has been working since 2007. She received her International Baccalaureate diploma on a full scholarship at the Lester B. Pearson United World College in Canada in 1999 where she enrolled at the ae of 16. She graduated in 2004 at the University of Zagreb with a double major in English and Spanish and received her master’s degree in 2005 at the Research Centre for English and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge (OSI/FCCO Chevening scholarship). She defended her PhD dissertation at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb in 2011. Besides English and Spanish, she reads German, Italian and French.

She authored one book (in open access below), published some 50 papers, presented at about 50 conferences and gave 12 invited talks in Croatia and abroad. She co-edited four conference proceedings (two published by Peter Lang Verlag). She organized and co-organized dozens of conferences and scientific events at the national and international levels. She reviews for Croatian and foreign publishers (Multilingual Matters, John Benjamins, Oxford University Press) and is a member of two journals’ editorial boards.

She has participated in 6 international (lead by Université Paris 8 and Cambridge University, Universitat de Barcelona, and University of Zürich) and 7 Croatian scientific projects, and she was project leader of two Croatian scientific projects. She is part of the UNIC Research Ethics and Integrity work group.

She teaches courses on bilingual language processing, research methodology, and ethics in applied linguistics research at a few doctoral study programmes in Croatia and abroad.
She is the president of the Supervisory Board of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society (elected three times in a row) and a member of the Honour Court of the Croatian Philological Society. From 2018 – 2020 she was vice-dean for science, arts and international affairs of the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb.

She holds the Rector’s Award (University of Zagreb), two Dean’s Awards and the Certificate of Appreciation for excellence in teaching (Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb), Franjo Marković Award (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb).

Cergol, Kristina. (2021). Etika istraživanja u primijenjenoj lingvistici. Zagreb: Srednja Europa. ISBN 978-953-8281-29-7

knjiga: CERGOL2020ETIKA

Cergol, K. (principal investigator) (2021) Reading with dogs in English as a foreign language. Faculty of Teacher Education. supported by the University of Zagreb grant for fundamental financing of projects in science and arts in 2021 (ufzg-potp06-2021-KC)



Konzultacije su po dogovoru na mail kristina.cergol[at]ufzg.hr


Dr. Ante Starčevića 55
40000 Čakovec
Tel. +385(0)40/370-000
e-pošta: dekanat


Trg Matice hrvatske 12
44250 Petrinja
TEL. +385(0)99/2100-404
e-pošta: dekanat


Savska cesta 77
10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385(0)1/6327-300
e-pošta: dekanat



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